
“Companies in our portfolio are now moving on from setting targets to establishing and implementing transition plans. The Transition Pathway Initiative provides a crucial analytical framework for understanding the likelihood of these transition plans being delivered, and what trajectory the companies are on. The expansion of the Transition Pathway Initiative’s coverage for their Management Quality and Carbon Performance scores will allow us to use the approach more broadly across our portfolio and establish them as amongst the largest and highest quality climate datasets we use” – Carine Smith Ihenacho, Chief Governance and Compliance Office, Norges Bank Investment Management

“For some years, Wespath Benefits and Investments…has recognized the transition underway to a low-carbon global economy and the need for us to understand the long-term trends affecting our investments.  We will use our leadership position to influence other North American funds and investors to use TPI in analysing their portfolios.”
Barbara Boigegrain, CEO and General Secretary of Wespath Benefits and Investments 

“Businesses should be able explain to investors how they plan to manage climate change risks, invest and innovate on the way to the zero-carbon economy of the future. With the launch of the Transition Pathway Initiative, asset owners from around the world are sending a strong signal that portfolios will align in the future with companies that are taking the transition to a low carbon economy seriously.”
Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency 

“The Transition Pathway Initiative provides a useful framework for setting stretching but feasible corporate engagement objectives on climate change. We have already piloted this approach in our engagement with coal-exposed companies.”
Bruce Duguid, Director, EOS, Hermes Investment Management 

“I applaud the new Transition Pathway Initiative and its founding members. It represents yet another potentially powerful way of aligning real-world global investments with the real-world urgency of meeting the goals, aims and aspiration of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.”
Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN climate convention (UNFCCC) 

“As a long-term investor USS wants to be able to assess how companies are managing climate change and the risk it poses to their business. TPI provides a tool for us to do this and as a result will allow us to make better informed investment decisions improving financial returns for our members and beneficiaries.”
Elizabeth Fernando, Head of Equities at USS 

“BNP Paribas Investment Partners is very pleased to be among the asset managers that actively support the Transition Pathway Initiative. It is important for asset managers to partner with asset owners, as by doing so we are able to send a unified message to companies regarding our expectations of them as they position themselves for the transition to a low-carbon economy.”
Frédéric Janbon, CEO, BNP Paribas Investment Partners 

“This initiative fills an information gap and will help us and other investors to make more informed investment decisions. We are pleased to be involved at this early stage in the development of TPI, an initiative well in line with the AP1’s sustainability strategy.”
 Johan Magnusson, Chief Executive of AP-Fonden 1 

“The launch of TPI highlights the growing momentum among asset owners to consider the economic implications of the transition towards a low-carbon economy into their stewardship and investment processes.  FTSE Russell has long been a pioneer in ESG and sustainable investing and we are delighted to have been chosen by the TPI as the data and analytics partner for this exciting initiative.”
Mark Makepeace, CEO of FTSE Russell 

“The Transition Pathway Initiative is a tipping point for the market…There can be no doubt about the seriousness with which asset owners are taking account of these risks and it will be a key feature in the discussions we will be having with companies over the coming years.”
 Adam Matthews, Director of Ethics and Engagement for the Church of England Pensions Board 

“IIGCC welcomes the launch of the Transition Pathway Initiative. As investors seek to help drive the changes required to implement the Paris Agreement, it is great to see new tools emerging that asset owners and managers can employ to assess climate transition risk.“
Stephanie Pfeifer, CEO of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change 

“The Transition Pathway Initiative is an important step forward in the necessary route towards lower carbon intensity. A large gap currently exists between governmental commitments on emissions made in Paris in 2015 and the preparations of companies to help meet those challenges. TPI will provide a useful tool for us as investors to gauge how effectively companies are addressing the sustainability of their business plans.”
 Euan Stirling, Head of Stewardship and ESG Investment at Standard Life Investments

“At Scottish Widows, we are committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and we consider the Transition Pathway Initiative as an essential tool in our delivery of this target. Collaborations such as TPI are an effective way to bring investors together towards a shared goal - using data driven engagement.”
Antonio Lorenzo, CEO Scottish Widows

"The Transition Pathway Initiative provides consistent, sector-specific benchmarking that enables asset owners like University Pension Plan Ontario (UPP) to better assess and manage risks and opportunities related to the net zero transition. The research and data provided by TPI is an input for our investment and stewardship activities."
Barbara Zvan, President and CEO, University Pension Plan Ontario

“The Transition Pathway Initiative provides investors with a credible and straight-forward instrument to assess whether their investee companies are on track to meet the targets of the Paris agreement. Being an active owner, the Ethos Foundation uses this valuable tool during its engagement activities with companies.”
Vincent Kaufmann, CEO, Ethos Foundation

“We are pleased to support the Transition Pathway Initiative and value the insight provided by their research. We are committed to supporting the transition to a low carbon economy and believe decision-useful climate-related disclosure is a key enabler for this. We currently use TPI data to support our stewardship activity and we welcome the data partnership with ClimateAction100+.”
Joanna Munro, Global Chief Investment Officer, HSBC Global Asset Management

“Board accountability for climate risk is a critical concern for investors. TPI provides investors with an accessible, actionable framework to support investment stewardship. Integrating TPI into Minerva’s analysis and voting guidelines has enabled clients to easily integrate climate governance into their stewardship and voting. TPI is an essential component of our work and we have already seen tangible results as issuers respond to investor engagement.”
Minerva Analytics

“Decarbonization is both the greatest threat and the greatest opportunity that the world faces. As investors, it is crucial to have access to authoritative and independent data on how companies are managing their transition. TPI is clearly demonstrating leadership in this analysis and will form a key element of our overall ESG processes.”
Hawksmoor Investment Management

“As part of our Net Zero by 2035 goal, we support the Transition Pathways Initiative. This important framework enables investors to identify which companies are aligning themselves with the Paris Agreement. Investors must use their influence to drive decarbonisation and this crucial analysis will help us on our journey.”
BT Pension Scheme

"As long-term investors committed to using our influence to decarbonise the global economy we are supportive of the Transition Pathway Initiative. In order to reach our goal to be Net Zero by 2038 frameworks such as TPI, enabling identification of companies aligned with the Paris Agreement, are crucial."
Cambridge Investment Management Limited

"At Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK our investment objective is to preserve the wealth of our clients as well as the environment and society that future generations will inherit. We support the TPI as it directly contributes to the essential transition to a low-carbon economy and informs our long-term thinking on this issue."
Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK