TPI research on world's top airlines generates considerable global media coverage


On 5 March, TPI released new research on the world’s top 20 publicly-listed airline companies. Based on analysis by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at the LSE, and underpinned by FTSE Russell data, the findings generated considerable media interest and coverage internationally, in both mainstream and specialist press.

Some of the coverage focussed on the airlines making the most (and least) progress towards addressing climate change and cutting CO2 emissions; however, all highlighted that none of the airlines studied are adequately planning long-term for emissions’ reductions or low-carbon transition – and that climate change efforts had to be stepped-up.

The industry’s reliance on ‘off-setting’ emissions with other industries was picked-up by many outlets, along with the long-term risk of losses to investors in the sector, due to its failure to strategically plan for climate change.

A selection of the coverage is linked to below (note: some articles may be behind a paywall):

BBC: Climate change: Which airline is best for carbon emissions?

CNN: The best and worst airlines for tackling climate change

Reuters: Airlines stall in tackling climate change: investor group

Reuters France: Le secteur aérien fait peu contre le changement climatique-Etude

New York Times: Airlines Stall in Tackling Climate Change-Investor Group (pick up of Reuters feed)

CNBC: Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Nasdaq: Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Japan Times: Airlines stall in tackling climate change but ANA, United and Delta rated best at managing risks in study

Independent: World’s top 20 airlines falling short on climate change commitments, study finds

New York Post: Top airlines not doing enough to combat climate change, says study

Daily Mirror: Best and worst airlines for cutting carbon emissions to tackle climate change

Daily Mail: Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Business Green: Airlines under pressure to act on emissions

IPE: Airlines’ emissions management under scrutiny

EurActiv: Investors put airline emissions on the radar, deride short-term thinking

Yahoo Finance: World’s top 20 airlines falling short on climate change commitments, study finds

Environmental Finance: Airlines failing investors on carbon disclosure, TPI warns

Edie: Airlines warned of investment losses over lack of climate action

Avio News: Aircraft and transport: airlines are doing “little” to reduce CO2 emissions

This Is Money: Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Energy Live News: Leading airlines could miss the runway for climate change

Better Society Network: Airlines failing on climate strategy

Rocket News: Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Airline Routes & Ground Services: New report finds easyJet is the best for reducing emissions

Aviation 24: Leading airlines fail to plan for long-haul on climate, says influential investor initiative

Engineering and Technology Magazine: Airlines all failing to lower carbon in line with climate change agreements

Vanguard: Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Dev Discourse: Airlines doing too little in fight against global warming – Study

Japan Today: Airlines stall in tackling climate change, says investor group

The Business Times (Singapore): Airlines not doing enough to tackle climate change: investor group

Malaysia Today: Investor group: Airlines stall in tackling climate change

Straits Times (Singapore): Airlines stall in tackling climate change: Investor group

Yonhap News Agency (South Korea): 英 연구소 “세계 주요 항공사, 기후변화 대응 미흡”

Radio Taiwan International: 根據今天(5日)公布的一份最新研究顯示,全球航空公司在對抗全球暖化方面,都做得太少。

SBS News (Australia): The best and worst airlines at fighting climate change

First Post (India): Airlines stall in tackling climate change: investor group

La Tribune (France): Le secteur aérien fait peu contre le changement climatique, selon une étude

L’usine Aero (France): Le secteur aérien fait trop peu contre le changement climatique selon une étude de la TPI


El Mon (Spain): La majoria de les grans línies aèries no fa prou per combatre el canvi climàtic

Rinnovabili (Italy): Emissioni aerei ancora troppo elevate per contrastare il climate change



Arab News (Saudi Arabia): Airlines stall in tackling climate change

The Peninsula (Qatar): Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group

Voice of Nigeria: Report: Airlines not ‘aggressively fighting’ climate change

Sharenet (South Africa): Airlines stall in tackling climate change – investor group